There is no evidence of a Wattpad outage at this time.
We also haven't observed any incidents recently.
Wattpad is an online platform where users can read and write original stories, fostering a global community of writers and readers.

User Reports and Outages in the Last 24 Hours

Outages are identified by unusual patterns or anomalies in user report activity
Logo3:00 AM6:00 AM9:00 AM12:00 PM3:00 PM6:00 PM9:00 PMFeb 2
We haven't noticed any outages affecting Wattpad in the past 24 hours

Wattpad Outage Map

The map is created using the locations of users who have submitted reports on the site
Wattpad Outage Map · Feb 2, 2025
Past Incidents

Wattpad when I catch you I can’t even scroll down now to write the chapters


I have family in town for the weekend so writing will be a little slow, unfortunately. Wattpad is also being weird on my phone so it's kind of hard to write on the app during down time, but *hopefully* I'll having something out by Sunday night 💜


Why are Wattpad notifications not working???? Like I don’t receive the stories updates


Is Wattpad down?


ao3 down so i gotta redownload wattpad..


ao3 down for maintenance im having to login to wattpad im so cooked


If i cant read ao3 because its down im gonna have to go to.. Wattpad