There is currently no sign of a Cloudflare outage.
We also haven't observed any incidents recently.
Cloudflare is a web infrastructure and security company that provides services like content delivery networks (CDNs), DDoS protection, and domain name registration

User Reports and Outages in the Last 24 Hours

Outages are identified by unusual patterns or anomalies in user report activity
Logo3:00 AM6:00 AM9:00 AM12:00 PM3:00 PM6:00 PM9:00 PMFeb 2
We haven't noticed any outages affecting Cloudflare in the past 24 hours.

Cloudflare Outage Map

The map is created using the locations of users who have submitted reports on the site
Cloudflare Outage Map ยท Feb 2, 2025
Past Incidents

I've temporarily worked around the CloudFlare errors from DeepSeek with the usual exponential backoff-and-retry thing. Sometimes it takes a really long time to finally respond though. And it's really slowing my bot down. Le sigh. What's the fastest alternative DS hosting rn?


Is @ChatGPTapp down? I'm just getting this message... Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. Ray ID: 9067c05d1cff9455 Your IP address: ********* Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: London


ChatGPT down at least on CapeTown CloudFlare servers. That is a bummer.


ChatGPT went down today from some time At Cloudflare Location: Mumbai


Anyone know how to add a feature-image to a website? It's not working for me. I'm using Vite, Cloudflare pages, and Supabase.


outage internet. DNS is down, change DNS on devices to Google or CloudFlare and Spectrum internet will start working. @spectrum @GetSpectrum @askSpectrum


Didn't expect to wake up on a Saturday morning to multiple outages caused by @Cloudflare In the middle of the night they downgraded our zone to FREE along with our Workers plan... multiple projects went down, some of which are still unrecoverable after upgrading back to paid


Our CloudFlare service is down, we're working on fixing it. #CyberSecurity


UPDATE: Site is currently down, I'm trying to get the SSL certificate updated but Cloudflare isn't working at the moment. Should be up later today, along with this week's episode. Thanks for your patience


Hey @openbugbounty , are you experiencing an #outage or DDoS? I've been getting reports from folks about our @GetPrivacySafe bug bounty program not being available and now I'm seeing Cloudflare errors with your site but no mention of this on the web or in your Telegram channel


cloudflare worker is kinda wild its also crazy that things like this is getting built in the same company that can't not have a billing system outage at least once every month