There are no signs of a BC Hydro outage at the moment
We also haven't detected any outages recently.
BC Hydro is the primary electricity provider in British Columbia, Canada, generating and distributing power to the vast majority of the province's population.

User Reports and Outages in the Last 24 Hours

Outages are identified by unusual patterns or anomalies in user report activity
Logo3:00 AM6:00 AM9:00 AM12:00 PM3:00 PM6:00 PM9:00 PMFeb 2
We have not detected any BC Hydro outages in the past 24 hours

BC Hydro Outage Map

The map is generated based on the locations of users who submitted reports on the site
BC Hydro Outage Map ยท Feb 2, 2025
Past Incidents

Working from home this morning and there is a planned power outage for @BCHydro workers to safely do some upgrades so I'm working in the dark with my laptop using my iPhone as an internet hotspot, just like they would have had to do in ancient Rome.


Why is the power outage in Coquitlam? Austin/Hickey/Mariner area. @bchydro